Friday, 6 January 2012

Testing Stop Motion

Tests For Stop Motion 

When it came to doing our tests, we came up with a few problems which we had to improve. We discussed of ways to change objects and lighting to help with our title sequence. Below are a list of problems we came up with:

  • The lighting: we have to get the lighting the same in every single shot because of continuity. It has to be High Key Lighting because the photos are of a lady walking through the streets during the day. One idea was to do it outside, the reason we couldn't do this outside is because the lighting would change and we need the lighting to be the same in every single shot because of continuity. So we came up with the idea of doing it in a classroom but then the lights in the classroom are flicker lights. We wouldn't be able to use this because using a DSLR, this would pick up every time the light flickers. Which means each picture would have a different lighting.  
  • The object (the person playing Sarah Bailey): we found a few problems with this, being that we are doing stop motion and we have to take about 1000 photos to make this look good and for it to work, we would need everything about the person to be the same, the hair the make up the clothing, everything. So we came to the conclusion of using a barbie doll. This way we can do whatever we need to do to it and it will still stay the same.
  •  The background: doing the tests shots today with the lamp and the flash on the camera, there was a shine on the paper and because they were printed from the computer. So we came up with the idea of painting a background our self. Being that we have someone in our group that does art as an A-Level we thought that this could be a very successful ideal.
  •  Location: our location is now a room with the light turned off and a lamp directly over the frame. 
  • Camera shots: bird’s eye view, directly over the frame.

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